LPC Consulting Associates, Inc.™
Research & Evaluation
Collaborative. Informative. Supportive.
A woman-owned, Sacramento-based consulting firm, providing research and program evaluation services since 1994.
“From the very start we felt like you were a true collaborator and cared about the project and the work that we are trying to do while providing a valuable, objective outsider perspective. Thank you for being so responsive to our changing timelines, helping to overcome barriers, and being flexible. We truly appreciate you!”
— Client Feedback
Our Services
LPC is a team of individuals with complementary skills that we bring together to provide services and build client capacity in the following areas of research and evaluation.
Evaluation & Study Design
Logic models
Needs assessment
Evaluation design
Technical assistance
Data Collection & Tool Development
Focus groups
Document review
Data Analysis
Quantitative/Statistical analysis
Qualitative analysis
Database development
GIS mapping
Written reports
Data dashboards
Data visualization
“Thank you so much for your fabulous work! It has been so fantastic to work with you. You are a great researcher, with so much insight and abilities to analyze the data effectively. Your writing is great and the report looks wonderful!”
— Client Feedback
Our Work
Clients | Past & Present
American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network
American Heart Association
Black Child Legacy Campaign
Breathe California Sacramento Region
California District Attorneys Association
California Health Collaborative
Center for Land-Based Learning
City of Sacramento
City of Santa Rosa
Dignity Health
Family and Children’s Services, New Jersey
Farmer Veteran Coalition
First 5 Yolo
Folsom Cordova Unified School District
Fresno County Behavioral Health Department
ONTRACK Program Resources, Inc.
Sacramento City Unified School District
Sacramento County
Sacramento Public Library Foundation
Sacramento Region Community Foundation
Saving Our Legacy – African Americans for Smoke- Free Places
Sierra Health Foundation
Soil Born Farms
Sonoma County
Sutter Health
The California Endowment
Twin Rivers Unified School District
Click here for a description of several recent LPC projects.
“LPC Consulting Associates™ was able to
share the expertise of its staff in a way that
both informed our evaluation and
helped our organization improve its programs.”
— Client Feedback