Our Work
Clients | Past & Present
Center for Land-Based Learning FARMS Program
Program Evaluation
From 2022-2024, LPC conducted a program evaluation of the FARMS Program for the Center of Land-Based Learning. LPC co-designed a student survey with FARMS staff and analyzed the results to measure how high school students grew in their skills and knowledge of the agricultural industry.
SCUSD Expanded Learning Program
Program Evaluation
In 2023, LPC conducted a program evaluation of Expanded Learning programs for Youth Development Support Services (YDSS) for the Sacramento City Unified School District. The goal was to provide information and insight that YDSS and its community partners can use to strengthen programming. The Evaluation Snapshot is an overview of a subset of Expanded Learning programs led by community-based Expanded Learning Providers across 25 schools.
Sacramento County Vehicle Emissions Project
Community Survey Development
From 2022-2024, LPC participated in the Sacramento County Vehicle Emissions Project (VEP), under the direction of Breathe California Sacramento Region. LPC developed a Community Wellness Respiratory Survey available in seven languages to understand the impact of air pollution from vehicle emissions on community residents.
LPC analyzed findings and prepared graphic survey summaries for over 1,200 responses from across Sacramento County. Individual summaries for VEP’s four Environmental Justice (EJ neighborhoods): Gardenland, North Highlands, South Sacramento/Vineyard, and West Arden Arcade are available upon request in Farsi and Spanish.
ONTRACK Community Health and Justice Project
Evaluation Consultant
In 2022-23, LPC served as an evaluation consultant to ONTRACK Program Resources' Community Health and Justice Project (CHJP), which intends to transform the way Sacramento’s criminal justice, behavioral health and community stakeholders work together to improve collective outcomes for Blacks/African Americans, especially those experiencing mental illness who are involved with the criminal justice system. The Blueprint describes the CHJP philosophy, model, and focus problem, along with a summary of recommended solutions and potential next steps to continue the CHJP momentum.
City of Sacramento Youth PopUp Program
Data Analysis & Program Report
In 2022, LPC has served as an evaluation consultant for The Center at Sierra Health Foundation to analyze activities and evaluation findings for a six‐month period of City of Sacramento Youth PopUp Program events, from January to June 2022. The analysis and findings were based on monthly data submissions from over 20 partner organizations, quarterly progress reports, and surveys of PopUp attendees, and youth and adult staff.
FCUSD Tobacco Use Prevention Education
Program Evaluation
Between 2020 and 2023, LPC contracted with Folsom Cordova Unified School District (FCUSD) to provide technical support for their tobacco and vaping prevention education work. This guide was developed to provide vaping prevention education and resources to district families. It was completed in collaboration with FCUSD, with LPC taking their ideas and designing an easy-to-read, user-friendly guide. A Staff Resource Guide was also developed.
Census 2020 California Complete Count Campaign
Campaign Evaluation
In 2020-21, LPC completed an independent evaluation of the Census 2020 California Complete Count Campaign and a comprehensive narrative report telling the story of Campaign partner, vendor, and staff experiences.
City of Santa Rosa, Office of Community Engagement
Project Evaluation
LPC evaluated two large violence prevention and early intervention programs administered by the City of Santa Rosa, Office of Community Engagement. The Violence Prevention Partnership’s community violence prevention program Santa Rosa Community Helping Our Indispensable Children Excel (CHOICE) Grant Program, Cycle IX (2018-20), funded through tax revenues generated by the 20-year Measure O initiative, and The Partnership’s gang and violence prevention program Guiding People Successfully (GPS) project funded by the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) from 2015-2017 (CalGRIP) and 2018-2020 (CalVIP). Both projects include an evaluation of the overall initiative, along with evaluation technical assistance to multiple community-based organization (CBO) grantees.
Data Management and Annual Program Reports
First 5 Yolo’s Annual Report and R2R Initiative
LPC provides data technical support, advice, and guidance for First 5 Yolo’s funded programs serving children and families. Part of LPC’s role is to support the identification of performance measures and the design of the Annual Local Evaluation Report. LPC also prepared an infographic for the Road to Resilience (R2R) initiative.
Sierra Health Foundation’s Black Child Legacy Campaign
Data Dashboards
From 2016-2021, LPC provided data technical support, assistance, and training for The Center at Sierra Health Foundation’s Black Child Legacy Campaign, part of collective efforts to address disparities and Reduce African American Child Deaths in seven high-need neighborhoods in Sacramento. Part of LPC’s role in the BCLC includes conducting the analysis and development of topical data dashboards in seven high-need neighborhoods, which provide easy-to-understand data snapshots that organizations can use to educate community members and advocate with stakeholders and elected officials:
Other Projects
From 2015-2018, LPC evaluated several initiatives funded by the Sacramento First 5 Commission to prevent African American Perinatal and Infant Deaths, including: (1) two Cultural Broker programs by WellSpace Health and Her Health First - Black Mothers United; (2) a home visitation program, Birth and Beyond; (3) a Safe Sleep Baby Campaign lead by the Child Abuse Prevention Center; and (4) a County-wide media campaign to decrease African American perinatal deaths.
In 2018, LPC completed a Student-Based Health Clinic Needs Assessment for Sacramento City Unified School District, which produced a school ranking to identify schools with a high need for health care services and prioritize the placement of school-based health clinics.
Since 2017, LPC has worked with the Sacramento Public Library Foundation’s Literacy Map and Report Card Project to develop a system to collect secondary data on community-level literacy indicators and primary data from local literacy program providers to populate a countywide literacy map. To accompany the literacy map, LPC developed an annual Sacramento Community Literacy Report Card presenting three-year literacy data trends at the state, county, and provider level.
LPC served as the local Learning & Evaluation Specialist for the 10-Year South Sacramento Building Health Communities site funded by The California Endowment from 2009-2020. In addition to evaluation of Action Team and grantee-specific activities, we have produced several case studies providing a deep analysis into specific topics or campaigns, including the wide variety of work to empower and support Boys and Men of Color (BMOC), school district partnerships, the implementation of an urban farm stand policy, a campaign to expand healthcare access for medically indigent residents, and a youth voter engagement campaign.
A 5-year retrospective highlights the innovative work of the BHC South Sacramento food access grantees. Food access grantees implemented programs aimed at repairing the food system in the South Sacramento BHC area.
A 2019 Boys and Men of Color case story centers the voices of community members and advocates, situating 10 years of place-based funding within the socio-historical context of entrenched systems of oppression, systemic racism, disinvestment, and discrimination.
Our Clients
American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network
American Heart Association
Black Child Legacy Campaign
Breathe California Sacramento Region
California District Attorneys Association
California Health Collaborative
Center for Land-Based Learning
City of Sacramento
City of Santa Rosa
Dignity Health
Family and Children’s Services, New Jersey
Farmer Veteran Coalition
First 5 Yolo
Folsom Cordova Unified School District
Fresno County Behavioral Health Department
ONTRACK Program Resources, Inc.
Sacramento City Unified School District
Sacramento County
Sacramento Public Library Foundation
Sacramento Region Community Foundation
Saving Our Legacy – African Americans for Smoke- Free Places
Sierra Health Foundation
Soil Born Farms
Sonoma County
Sutter Health
The California Endowment
Twin Rivers Unified School District